Monday, February 7, 2011

Transformation Lab

Click Here to watch the whole animation.
     The transformation starts off by taking some bacteria from a single colony that is already made into two micro tubes both tubes contain a chemical called CaC12. One of the tubes contains Fluorescent DNA and ampacilin the other tube does not contain DNA
     After the heat shock we put three petridishes out two will contain ampacilin and one will not; then and spread some of the bacteria onto certain plates, the bacteria that contains  fluorescent DNA goes on one plate that contains ampacilin only.The other tube's bacteria will go on to the other two plates. The bacteria that didn't get any fluorescent DNA that went on the petridish that contained ampacilin will die.The other one will survive because the plate contains no ampacilin. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Prototype of UI for SciAnim2

      This is prototype of the user interface I have designed for the SciAnim2 Project. You can view the finished SciAnim2 projects on the STAR Wiki.It will show all of the complete scenes of the entire project.

      The Navigation (buttons) work if you click the Play button the the animation will Play.If you click the Rewind button then it will take you back to the previous Scene.The Fast forward button when clicked will take you to the next scene in order if this is the last scene then it will take you back to the title page.

      The animation will start after the play button is clicked, the micro pipette tip will start to streak the bacteria on to the petridish.Every 3-4 streaks the petridish will rotate and and the tip will be thrown away and a new tip will appear and continue the streaking of bacteria.A recorded voice will read the directions in the text box.

      For this design I tried to incorporate the following:
  • Navigation - easy to use,easy to find
  • Use a strong visual frame work - i wanted every thing to be presented in a way so they each have a characteristic of their own 
  • Balance the colors - I tried to draw the audiences attention to certain areas that need to be looked at as the most important parts lie the title and the navigation so they are easier to identify. 

Monday, January 24, 2011


My name is  JGutierrez I am a student at Castle Park High School I am a proud member of the Science Innovation Academy ( I will be using this blog to turn my projects in and get credit for using in my everyday classwork and to share my ideas and beliefs to my fellow computer users.I choose to participate in the Science Innovation Academy to better my future and get a better education so I may live a better life.I enjoy my Star Multimedia class because it lets me interact with the computer and it gives me computer skills on things that I will probably use everyday in my life.I love using the computer and this is my chance to better my skills.