Monday, February 7, 2011

Transformation Lab

Click Here to watch the whole animation.
     The transformation starts off by taking some bacteria from a single colony that is already made into two micro tubes both tubes contain a chemical called CaC12. One of the tubes contains Fluorescent DNA and ampacilin the other tube does not contain DNA
     After the heat shock we put three petridishes out two will contain ampacilin and one will not; then and spread some of the bacteria onto certain plates, the bacteria that contains  fluorescent DNA goes on one plate that contains ampacilin only.The other tube's bacteria will go on to the other two plates. The bacteria that didn't get any fluorescent DNA that went on the petridish that contained ampacilin will die.The other one will survive because the plate contains no ampacilin. 

1 comment:

  1. Your images are very good! Just remember that the bacteria that didn't receive the PLASMID are the ones that died on the ampicillin.
